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Life in Mexico: Week 2 - Finding our way

Updated: Dec 4, 2020

Hola amigos!! Yo soy aprendir espanol! Well, I'm working on it. I keep trying to talk in Spanish and everyone immediately smiles and says, "You can speak in English." The shame :)

This week has been slow. We lost a few days when Mom had a flare of GERD that knocked her down. She's right as rain now, but we had a few condo days. I went to the pool and practiced my yoga!

We worked on getting Mom's Mexican insurance, so we went to our insurance agent - Juan Chong - and explored the Plaza Zaragoza one block over. It is gorgeous!! One thing about Mazatlan is that it is sooooo green!! There are constantly people watering the many, many parks and plazas and making sure that everything is clean and verdant. You'll notice in the gazebo picture that there is a water hose from the park worker who was watering the flowers in the park square. The panoramas below are from the top of the gazebo!

Meanwhile, Mia is being carted virtually everywhere we go. I bought a pet carrier designed for hiking. It sits on me like a backpack, her front little paws stick out of it, and she LOVES it (mainly because she is nosey and lazy)!! We call it the Worm (because she looks a little like a worm in it) and she begs to use it every time we head out the door. We have another one we call the palace because it is a rigid backpack made of all mesh with a telescoping section so she can completely stretch out and I installed a fan in it. She does not like it as much as she likes the worm!

Many have asked how COVID is in Mazatlan. I mean, lets be honest, it's not great anywhere, but they take a LOT of precautions here that they do not in the states. For example, in order to go inside a restaurant or a store of any kind you have to be screened in addition to wearing a mask. First, you have to walk on a wet, disinfecting mat then a drying mat while a person stationed at the entrance then takes your temperature and gives you hand sanitizer. That said, there is currently a Dengue outbreak that is actually more prevalent than COVID. So, in addition to aerosolized COVID molecules, we are being super cautious about mosquitos. Ah, 2020, the gift that keeps on giving.

I have GOT to tell you about the coolest place I have eaten here in Mexico. I have driven past it a few times and decided that I could not drive by it again. It is gorgeous and it was the best food I've had since I've been here! It came complete with roosters fighting, not the illegal kind, I mean there were a bunch of roosters wandering about and two of them just did not like each other! I mean just look at this place! See if you can spot the rooster in pic #1 :D

That was just the perimeter! There's more to show here! One of my favorite features of my new, favorite restaurant is the building all the way on the right with the sheet door. Yep, it's the restroom! The food, though... It is not the prettiest food, but it is DELISH!

It was so great watching the veteran tortilla maker make the tortillas fresh. She would touch the fire-hot planch with bare hands. Can you say fingers of asbestos?

Here I am enjoying an amazing cup of coffee while Mia the Worm and I watch the roosters squabble.

Mom is officially boycotting taking photos. So, no funny mom pics this week. I will encourage her to this new hobby in the upcoming week.

I hope that all of you reading this are staying safe and are happy. Love to you all!

Take a leap; choose JOY!

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